Friday, October 2, 2009


It was hard to follow the twitter feed.


The posts came so fast.

Only a couple a week at first.

But, if you gave yourself 10 mins time, a phone with a map with a GPS
system giving real time updates and some speed and skill with
meatspace hacking…

You could join up with this guys.

I can't believe this only started... what? A month and a half ago??

Nothing public lead on to what they are doing.

And if you could catch them, you were already initiated.

We would meet randomly, inconstantly. No pattern to the location. Only
the obstacles

"Today, we are finding my cat. He's gone missing, he's really fucking

Through the trees at the park after Stank's tweeker fast tabby.
Fastest fucking cat I've ever seen, but that thing could sail through
bushes and on and off of fire escapes and roof tops.

We started wearing little medallions of Ganesh, Lord of Obstacles.
Some would offer up prayers before they would go.

A murmur or two of protection, or guidance or strength.

Then off like a gun.

All of us acting like we were auditioning for the best fucking chase
scene in a movie ever.

But then

A child is drowning.

Then your child has been kidnapped.

You are in too deep.

But you can't unhack that which you have just hacked, you can close
down the neural path ways you've opened, you have to see where this
path leads you.

Because that's what keeps you swift, that's what keeps you alive.

And you have to say, when you reach your destination, that every fiber
in your being was present regardless of the outcome.

Or the mistakes you made.

I've seen a kid split his kneecap right open after a bad fall.

Most everyone sails past him, to the next goal, the next objective.

These guys are adrenaline junkies and will burn

I stop because it's not just speed, it's also endurance.

If I'm running through a doorway and my friend trips on his way
through, he comes with me because I stop to help him. It's because
even if I'm one of the last human beings on the planet, I want and
know that that kind of organism can survive.

And must.

End of line