Saturday, June 13, 2009


"Munay-ki." Betty Boatman and her brother Perci both smiled and bowed to one another as they finished up their ritual. They rose and moved into his living room, that was being bathed in the Seattle afternoon sunlight. Tea had been prepared, the smell of yerba matte was invigorating. Perci's iPod was quietly playing. Both siblings sat and sipped their tea for several minutes without speaking before Betty noticed Perci's body nervous body language.

"I need your help, Betty."

This was a powerful admonition. Her brother was one of the most power and focused shamans she had ever met. She had never seen anything phase the man. Betty tried hard to control her rising fear.

"Remember that thing that Simon and I found a year ago."

She remembered he had posted about it in his LJ. "Yes, the disc."

"We've lost it."

Betty had to swallow air several times before she could respond. "Lost it?" Her mind raced with all of the powers and abilities the disc had granted. The last time she had seen her brother, he had visited her in the Midwest, flying in on what appeared to be a shimmering shoulder protrusions of light.

"Lost... but its been found." Perci produced a business card in his left hand from no where.


  1. And then she sat bolt upright, her eyes huge, and she held out her hand to her son, as if to take his, though he was too far away.

    "It happened...again, Perci, I saw the Great Talking Eagle!"

    His excitement was electric in his body, but he kept the studied, academic look he had cultivated so exactly, peering over his Benjamin Franklin glasses.

    "Wonderful," he said, and shone a brilliant, beautiful smile with his thin lips, and clasped his hands together in a distinctly aristocratic way.

    Perci was a perpetual optimist, and with good reason: it had always worked for him.

    As soon as the disc was lost he had a feeling, that he would find it, and that it would lead him to most, to, he dared to hope, the rest of them.

    "Tell me everything," said Perci. When she had explained her vision, he sat back, his eyes closed, and sighed in satisfaction.

    "If I'm right, my dear sister, its all set in motion now. All we have to do is follow it to the center."

  2. Betty sat back and quieted herself because her news was important.
    Remember how I blogged you about the refugees that are showing up around the lake? These are people from the last 2 hurricanes and they come to camp out in the campgrounds and the local Red Cross has been working with these groups so that any of the Red Fever or the Swamp Pox that they have brought with them will.

    Peci was startled. This was not what he wanted to hear. His focus was on the missing disc.

    "There were 2 refugees from Gainsville, Florida and they were so filled with wounds, I did not expect them to live. But as I nursed them both back to health, the uglier one, name of Roky pulled out a disc fragment and then his buddy pulled out another.

    Dammdest thing I ever saw but when I shared my eagle vision with them, they put the disc together and we were transported through the portal.

    "Go on...Perci's eyes widened when the portal was mentioned.

    We went to see the Mayans. They have not vanished. They are in the Pleides, and they are waiting for the moment when the center of the galaxy opens up..

    "2012...Dec 21, 2012, whispered the lips of Perci as if recanting a medieval prayer.
    Wait, what are you saying? that there are more discs to be found? What about the other discs? There was an electricity in his voice as if he were ready for interdimensional travel.

    At that moment there was an exceedingly loud boom as if something had crashed into a building in downtown Seattle.

  3. Instead of reacting with fear or feelings of paranoia, Betty set in her chair and began to chant. Her experience was of the sound and it shook her being, the loud sound was in the key of E and she started chanting. It was as if the sound itself was creating a vibration so strong that it shook everyone in the room.

    Perci began to chant sensing that there was either and exit or entrance to something akin to an interdimensional portal. His gutteral sound was more like that of a Tibetan monk and the sound itself began to take over the apartment. Perci contiuned to chant, even though it was punctuated by gasps for breath....he was just trying to hang on. Whatever was occurring, it was taking Betty and Perci and all either of them could do was just hang on.
