Sunday, August 23, 2009

District 9

Perci types...

Apartheid was still alive in this world not more 15 years ago. It's amazing how quickly I forgot. I remember why I wanted to forget.

There is something about injustice and the violence of poverty and the indifference to humanity that acts as a match to spark a fire in a heart.

To become a chalice; One forever filled, over flowing with compassion.

Cruelty overcome, by a promise, an empathy and a vow.

Locked in the shell of the other, the oppresed minority, the forgotten.

Hoping that his gift of compassion and humanity, in exchange for your life and freedom is repaid. Looking upwards to the heavens.

Three years. Waiting. Another man waiting 27 years imprisoned.

It has the same sad poetry of a story of a kind uncle morning the loss of his only son and a battle he commanded.

Tolerating injustice weathers away the passion for life the longer it occurs.

The Buddah teaches that the only way to experience true empathy is is to know another's suffering and to know that you too are subject to this frailty.
From this is born compassion.

Promise something to me, my friends. The next time you see someone that you are able to help, please do.

And I promise you that it will provide a moment of inspiration for you.

1 comment:

  1. Perci took his laptop and shoved it up on the top of his tall bedrrom dresser. As he did, a small handheld mirror fell off the bureau and into his hands.

    To Perci's shock, the reflection in the mirror was the face of Betty Boatmom. She looked faded in a black and white image that was once color. She held up a silvery chord that was attached to her medulla oblongata. It, too, was tattered and fading.

    "Where are you? He needed to know.

    "I believe I am in the Pleides star system, don't know what planet, as I found myself in a large room made completely of finely chiseled stone. It has the strangest lighting though. Very advanced tech stuff here.

    Perci, I need you to dig up my body and put it on ice somwhere. I am not a vampire or anything but there are tech medical advances here that would knock your socks off.

    Perci was stunned and ecstatic all at the same time.
    "But where are you? Any clue?

    "The guard who put us in this cell spoke to the other guard when they changed shifts and the only thing I was able to hear was the word, 'megacorp'. Does that ring a bell with you?
    Please help me, Perci!
