Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Betty boatmom has finally docked at the other shore.


  1. There was not a dry eye in the small chapel that Betty's oldest son had commandeered for her burial. Admist the protest from his younger brothers, Elias had found a coffin in the ruble that was once Powell Mortuary. He placed his mother in the gold plated coffin and hired a professional motivational speaker to give her euology.
    No one even saw this coming, not even Betty. Death is truly an unexpected awakening to journey beyond the physical world. Many said that it was way too soon. She was still in the prime of her life.
    Unbeknownst to the mourners, this was the only way that the moment of 2012 could be ushered in safely, with serenity and love in the hearts of all who inhabit the planet.
    "What will it take to hold all life sacred," was the last words uttered to Betty as the cancer sucked the last bit of life from her. "Here is the key. Take it and sail the night wind", whispered the shining one. "Take it and fly."

  2. The chapel was made all of wood, hidden in amidst a grove of elm, near a creek that, at silent moments like these, be heard even from inside the building.

    Simon had his head in his hands, staring at the world in calm disbelief. After all he had seen, all his visions of the future, he knew his mother couldn't be gone. He had lost faith in many things in life, but he'd never had a vision that hadn't come to pass.

    But the grinding reality of each moment dared him to stretch his belief further, the funeral like a demonstration set up by Death to show him, with his own eyes, to burn the proof of the fact into his mind. So that when he thought 'Mother' and his love stretched out through the cosmos, his mind went to this box, to a plot of earth, 'That's where she lies now, I can visit her, but I can never hear her again.'

    Simon went through these days, but it was like a movie, like imagining the happenings in a book, he played out the character in his life like someone playing the Sims.

    And then Stan Van Hassle appeared, clutching a disc in his hand, the blue lightning of its energy surging around his hand as spacetime split so that he could step through.

    He stood there, staring at the crowd, the look of a snake oil salesman on his face, joy in his victory, but also like a kid beholding the wonder of his imagination becoming reality.

    He wrapped his arms around Betty's body, and then they were both gone.

  3. Simon finished the last keystroke with shaky hands.
    He read over the email he had written to his mother. He had started the letter just a week after her death, adding a little every night. But tonight, 6 months after her heart attack, he knew what he needed to say and why it had taken him so long to say.
    “Dear Mom,
    I miss you so much. This world didn’t make a lot of sense when you were in it but I can’t make heads or tails of it anymore.
    I know I failed you. You wrote in your Last Will to take you off life support. You talked to me about it. I left you alive for a whole week before I could build up the courage to follow through with your last wish.
    You were gone at that point. Somewhere else, I spent every night by your side, looking for some semblance of the person who had been my mother and companion and friend. But I could tell you had moved on.
    But I was so afraid. What if locked away behind those eyes…
    For a week, I waited and watched for a sign. But I never saw it. And then I fell into despair for whatever would I do without you. You who have seen
    The response was from within. I felt your embrace and your blessings and the protections that circle me and empower me. I remembered when you performed the creator’s rite. My chest swelled with love and light when your head touched mine and you gifted me stewardship and power and wisdom that had been yours.
    I ordered the machine that kept you body alive shut off.
    I didn’t talk to another human being for 8 days straight. Not until I started this email.
    I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so in control of my destiny as I do now. Your love inspires so much, I know that as I step into the world Maya and Media, I do not fear.
    The time has not gone by easily, some days the pain and the ache stress my heart to the point where it will break and I cannot go on.
    But your heart was so strong, and you never stopped.
    So, neither can I.
    I promised you I’d fix this world. And now I have the means. Please be with me when I need you most.
    For these days have come upon us and there will be many trials. “
    Simon hits saved. There is no bounced message.

  4. Betty suddenly sensed movement and opened her eyes. She and Stan were zooming down a luminous blue tunnel. As she looked behind her, the silverchord was attached to her corporal body.
    "Huh," thought Betty. Apparently my body can still sustain life because the silver chord always vanishes once the body is truly dead.

    Before she had time to analyze further, she and Stan had reached a great bright light at the end of the tunnel and they both were stopped by a large marble column glistening in the sun.....well make that suns as Betty looked to the eastern sky to see their were in fact , two suns.
    Stan looked dazed but not confused.
    "Huh," he stated. Turning to Betty he remarked, "This is one of the planets in the Pleides."
    "How do you know that'? she said. Her thoughts trailed away to the decomposing silver chord.

  5. "Woops," he said, looking at the cord, "I'm still getting the hand of this all," he mumbled with a wry grin and a doff of his cap, but the apology, if any was intended, went unsaid.

    "Don't worry, we'll have that fixed up in a jiffy!"

    Betty's viewpoint started to drift, but in the most peculiar way. She looked at Stan but she saw herself lying in his arms as he twisted and shoot the artifact in his hand. It looked...like a cowboy on a horse...

    But then she looked ahead and saw herself again, shining from red light, standing right next to herself, made only of blue!

    "These must be the other parts of my self, that travel with me in other dimensions," she thought to herself.

    The shimmering blue tunnel appeared again, and they were flying, and then Stan's feet touched a smooth metal surface and his eyes were filled with the white light of the glowing walls and ceilings.

    Betty looked around and saw the silver chord, still decomposing, but now she looked down to see it connecting it to her lifeless body in the arms of her mysterious abducter.

    Stan looked up and smiled. "Now don't worry," and then he sighed, "this isn't a trick, or anything."

    A moment later two tall and slender creatures came around the corner, they had long necks and nearly totally white skin, and Stan walked towards them quickly, dragging Betty along.

    "Wait a minute," said Betty, "Um, aren't these creatures in Star Wars?"

    Stan stopped just as he was handing her over and looked at her embarassed, then rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, I guess its pretty obvious George Lucas has been here too, huh? Hey, at first I was sure I had gone insane, I mean, you go to another, um, whatever this is, and you're bang in the middle of a freaking movie?"

    He hands her over and the creatures turn and carry her down a hall, but Stan runs ahead of them then walks halk-backwards as he continues to explain the situation to Betty.

    "But these guys are amazing doctors, hey, I wouldn't even be alive if I hadn't found this place, so don't worry, a little aural-surgery will see you right back together. They're geniuses, but the rules don't work quite the same here, I don't think. We're, uh, well, its like another dimension or something. You'll notice, don't take my word for it."

    Betty looked around and was really quite shocked to see such a beautiful place, though she supposed all the bright light would get a bit overwhelming to her atfer a while. But looking at the architecture she noticed that it wasn't made of glass, or plastic, with lights placed behind it, this was a white glowing metal, all one piece, with no seams of construction.

    Stan scratched his head under his hat, "Look, I used to work for a secret government agency that works together with Megacorp, something called 'The Company', but there's no doubt, they know about this place. They just don't come here, at least not often, but I've got no doubt, I mean, they must have put it in the movie as a joke to each other. Or a signal..."

    Stan was suddenly lost in thought, but they reached another room, completely round, seemingly a dead end, with convex table like an elongated hexagon.

    Betty looked down, her silver chord was almost half gone, but it seemed to be decaying much slower.

    "See?" said Stan.

  6. As Betty looked up, a stern looking man dressed in a white robe materialized directly in front of them.

    "What are you doing here?" he stated with authority.

    "This isn't heaven, huh?" Betty slyly let out as if to show her contempt with a souless character in a angelic place.

    Stan knew that they were in a much tighter spot than Betty realized.

    "We have come to return valuable information to the Seeker."

    The man's demeanor became relaxed, yet still a glimmer of suspicion crossed his face.

    "Why did you not enter at the Great Hall?"

    Stan Van Hassle had always been great at thinking on his feet. Summoning his best psychic abilities and clutching the disc to his heart, he grabbed Betty's hand.

    "Gotta go, this conversation is boring me". And with a vapor's mist, Stan, Betty and the disc vanished from the meditational office suite.
