Friday, May 29, 2009


Perci smiled when he opened the link from his friend Simon. After a long day of fruitless hunting for a $30 an hour email solution to a picky CEO, it was nice to see an email from his old friend halfway across the country.

Dear Perci, I meant to have this playlist ready in CD format for you upon our meeting for your bother's wedding, but alas I failed in that task. In lieu of success I would offer this digital playlist, which really never needed to exist in physical form anyway. You have all the songs already, of course, but they are hidden in the archive, in a way, allow me to illuminate this selection...

It was a mix. A 21st century mix tape.

Took in a deep drag of his spliff and sighed deeply as he looked out at the setting Pacific sun. His iPhone played the songs through enhanced speakers. As he listened to the music and the words, his mind slowly different away from the world of servers, clients, bosses and deadlines.

Blue Mountain made him think of the life of assassins. Training, in the mountains, surrounded by lush, beautiful earth. Drink from the box, life is. The perfect infiltration, the perfect dissimulation. Face to face with the target, gun to the head. A squirt of water. Walking away, having illuminated then.

Brother's Gonna Work It Out reminded him of the corruption, the bias, the prejudice, the isolation and the injustice that seems to be fused into the material world. But it also reminded him of a feeling of family, of community of the kind of prosperity that brings people together. The faith in a strength, its been called masculine but I've seen good men and women of conscious wear it when they build the mortar of their families.

Galvanize took him away from himself, it shrunk the world, it made him a man of everywhere. Aware of every political scenario, of every struggle and every poverty. And in his heart, smoldered a stoic gamen, a grim determination and a holy war.

Halfway into the listening, Perci stopped and noticed himself. He has been initiated, brainwashed even by his own friend. Drawn into whatever scheme Not in any mean way. But his consciousness has shifted. Just like every other mix Simon had

It made him feel powerful again. It made him feel potent and alive. The Pacific sun traveled another degree west, beyond the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. His iPhone rang and he picked it up, seeing it was his friend Wynnie from LA.

    "Hello, gorgeous!"

    "Ha, hello, Simon, look, listen, I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to ask you for a favor, okay?"

    She sounded upset, worried, frankly he'd never heard her this way before, he felt a groundswell of protective instincts for his childhood friend.

    But he immediately felt a bit foolish, after all, nothing dramatic had ever happened to anyone he knew.

    "Of course, sweetheart, what's up?"

    She spoke hurriedly, but with a formal sort of calmness, "Oh, its nothing, its just that I did something a bit foolish, its no big deal, but I, um, accidently put something in a care package I sent my mother, and I wondered it you wouldn't mind going over there and getting it, and, you know, sending it back to me."

    Simon raised an eyebrow, "Um, suuure, but why can't your mom just send it back?"

    "Oh, well, she's on vacation, you know, and I sort of need it soon. In fact, if you could get it today and send it back, I would appreciate it!"

    Simon didn't have too much to do and Wynnie's old house wasn't far away. "Right, well, that sounds fine, but you owe me one, darling. Dinner, you and me, when you're in town next?"

    "Ha ha, sure, all right, I have to go, though, bye Sly-mon."

    "Bye..." he said, but the phone clicked immediately and he got the idea she hadn't even waited to hear him say it.
