Friday, May 15, 2009

Brother, can ya spare a paradigm?

Every Ontology is an apocalypse.

Every Singularity is a paradigm shifter.

Simon Signet knew. 3 jobs in 4 years. He stepped out of the movie theater, his head swimming in thoughts.

Star Treks. Terminator. Transformers.

A summer of reboots, sequels and prequels.

A new way about thinking about what we think we already know.

Time Virus. Alternative realities. Ancient prophecies.

We are getting closer. To something? I donno what. A stone punk-crystal-shitting convergence. Why not.

The idea that when we gain access to this certain technology, everything changes. Everyone is connected.

Simon looked around the landscape of his life, of this city, of this world and knew in his gut that it had to be better than what was going on.

Things align, light and stars, clocks and ley lines. Peoples lives, the fate of a world. This produced passion in him unlike any other idea. The locks are coming out of place. Ancient, rusted and carbonated devices are starting to move again. The stars are starting to whisper to us again. Pressures are building up inside our world.

Simon went online. One of his patron saints had been canonized. He scanned through the smiley Illuminati triangle faces that adorned RAW's website. He smiled when he read the quote.

"You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very close-knit group of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as you and your friends."


  1. ....and Maharaji is their emperor.

  2. Nice idea but they are the destroyers of the old world. Oh yes, the Illuminati will not survive the great change. Their power will be disrupted, a great disturbance in the force and the Lyca whisper to me that their ways are gone......we choose the chaos of individual freedom.
